Tupu Tonu Acting Chief Executive Appointed
Kua tohua a te Poari o Tupu Tonu, a Belinda Clark hei Pou-Whakarae mo Tupu Tonu
E ngā pītau whakarei o ngā Mata-ā-waka puta noa. E ngā maunga hakahī e tū nei hei maru i ngā whānau puta noa i te rohe pōtae o Ngāpuhi-Nui-Tonu, tēnā koutou katoa.
Tupu Tonu, the Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited, has appointed Belinda Clark, as Acting Chief Executive.
Belinda has been appointed to the position effective August-October while Tupu Tonu goes through the process of appointing a permanent successor. This follows the resignation of Richard Westbury as Chief Executive.
Belinda has affiliations to Āti-Haunui-ā-Pāpārangi, and is a lawyer and senior leader with extensive governance and senior management experience across a number of sectors – including justice, tertiary education, Māori development, defence, Treaty issues and ACC. Among her many roles, Belinda was the inaugural director of the Office of Treaty Settlements and oversaw the negotiation of the Waikato-Tainui and Ngāi Tahu claims.
For any queries, please email info@tuputonu.co.nz.