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Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Taumarere te awa
Ko Tekau i Mua, ko Te Māhurehure me Ngāti Ueoneone ngā hapū
Ko Ngāti Hine me Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu ngā iwi
Ko Tania Heyrick tōku ingoa
Tania has a background in commercial property law having practiced in Auckland for several years, before relocating to Australia and the United Kingdom. Since returning to Aotearoa in 2010, Tania has held a number of positions as a senior leader in the public service including: the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, the Provincial Growth Fund, the Ministry for Primary Industries, the Ministry of Fisheries, Crown Forestry Rental Trust and Te Arawhiti – The Office for Māori Crown Relations. With extensive experience in Māori economic development and regional economic development, and as a mother of two young tamariki, Tania is dedicated to ensuring Tupu Tonu investments will contribute to supporting the future generations of Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu.