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Tukua | Tupu Tonu Disbursements

Te Kaupapa – purpose

Tupu Tonu is a Crown-owned company set up to acquire and grow the value of a portfolio of high-performing commercial assets that can be offered to ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi in future Treaty negotiations. Part of the mission of Tupu Tonu is to disburse a portion of the annual net cash investment returns to Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau. Tupu Tonu has named its disbursements ‘tukua’, which means to give with integrity.


Tukua outcomes to date

Tupu Tonu has completed the  first and second rounds of Tukua round in 2022/23 and 2023/24. This has resulted in a total of $1,076,000 funds (excl GST) being provided to 150 hapū, whānau and rōpū.

For a breakdown of funding results of the first round, see here.

For a breakdown of funding results of the second round, see here.

Ngā Pātai | FAQs

What is Tukua - Tupu Tonu disbursements?

Tukua is the name for the Tupu Tonu disbursements programme and means ‘to give with integrity’. Every year, Tupu Tonu sets aside a portion of its annual investment returns to provide to Ngāpuhi hapū, whānau and rōpū (organisations). Tupu Tonu has completed the two funding rounds of Tukua.

Why is Tupu Tonu making disbursements?

Tupu Tonu is tasked with making a available a small portion of annual investment returns to Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau.

The purpose of this to provide some immediate to support while Treaty negotiations are in train and to demonstrate the type of benefits that arise from a commercial investment fund.

To date, the focus of Tukua has been on supporting Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau in capacity and capability building as well as social and cultural development.

When will the third round be made available?

Tupu Tonu is currently reviewing the Tukua fund. Timing and criteria for the third round will be announced when the review is complete.

What types of activities is Tupu Tonu supporting through Tukua?

To date, Tupu Tonu has supported funding grants for any kaupapa, activity, objective or initiative that supports capacity and capability building, or social/cultural development.

Tupu Tonu is reviewing the funding criteria and recipient entities as part of the current review, and welcomes any feedback on these issues. Feedback can be sent to

How much disbursements funding is available through the third Tukua round?

Tupu Tonu is reviewing how much will be available for the third round as part of the current review.

How will decisions be made?

Criteria and application process are currently under review and will be announced as part of the third round.

Will Tupu Tonu disbursements have any impact on our hapū wai claims? Will this be on account of our settlement?

Tupu Tonu disbursements are not associated with, nor will it impact on, any hapū Treaty of Waitangi (‘Wai’) claims. Disbursements are not “on account” of any future Treaty redress agreement between ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi and the Crown. While Tupu Tonu was set up for the purpose of acquiring assets for the Crown to offer in redress discussions with ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi, and growing the overall value of the fund, there is no direct relationship between Tupu Tonu disbursements (Tukua) and those redress discussions. Rather, the purpose of the disbursements is to support Ngāpuhi social and cultural development, and capacity and capability building now.