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Tukua | Tupu Tonu Disbursements

3rd Round NOW CLOSED (17 January 2024)

Te Kaupapa – purpose


Tupu Tonu is a Crown-owned company set up to acquire and grow the value of a portfolio of high-performing commercial assets that can be offered to Ngāpuhi in future Treaty negotiations. Part of the mission of Tupu Tonu is to disburse a portion of the annual net cash investment returns to Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau. Tupu Tonu has named its disbursements ‘tukua’, which means to give with integrity.

The third Tukua round is now closed for applications.

The third round was open for applications from 15 November 2024 to 17 January 2025. For the second round of Tukua funding, Tupu Tonu has up to $750,000 available. Tupu Tonu aims to make funding decisions by the end of February 2025. If you have any pātai about your application or future funding rounds, please contact

The first two rounds of Tukua were completed in 2022/23 and 2023/24. This resulted in a total of $1,076,000 funds (excl GST) being provided to 150 hapū, whānau and rōpū.

For a breakdown of funding results of the first round, see here.

For a breakdown of funding results of the second round, see here.

Ngā Pātai | FAQs

What is Tukua - Tupu Tonu disbursements?

Tukua is the name for the Tupu Tonu disbursements programme and means ‘to give with integrity’. Every year, Tupu Tonu sets aside a portion of its annual investment returns to provide grants to Ngāpuhi hapū, marae and rōpū (organisations). Tupu Tonu has completed two previous rounds of Tukua. The third round is now closed for applications.

Why is Tupu Tonu making disbursements?

When Tupu Tonu was established, it was decided that a portion of annual investment returns ought to be made available to Ngāpuhi hapū and uri. This was to provide immediate to support while negotiations were underway and to demonstrate the type of benefits that come from a commercial investment fund.

What is the third Tukua round ?

The third round comprises funds available for disbursement from the 2023/24 financial year. The round opened on Friday 15 November 2024 and closed to applications on Friday 17 January 2025. Applications will now be assessed and decisions made by end of February 2025.

What is the focus of the third Tukua round?

The third round of Tukua will primarily focus on capacity and capability-building for Ngāpuhi hapū, marae and rōpū. Funding will also be made available, to a limited extent, for social and cultural development. Supporting Ngāpuhi capacity and capability-building is intended to support the Treaty negotiations process.

How much disbursements funding is available through the third Tukua round?

For the third Tukua round, Tupu Tonu has $750,000 available in total. Tupu Tonu is seeking applications for grants up to $30,000.

How will decisions be made?

Applications will first be considered by a panel comprised of selected Ngāpuhi kaumātua and hapū  leaders. Each application will be assessed against the application criteria. Decisions on applications will be made by the Tupu Tonu Board.

Will Tupu Tonu disbursements have any impact on our hapū wai claims? Will this be on account of our settlement?

Tupu Tonu disbursements will not impact on, any hapū Treaty of Waitangi (‘Wai’) claims. Disbursements are not “on account” of any future Treaty redress agreement between ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi and the Crown. Rather, they are intended to provide immediate support to hapū marae and rōpū while negotiations are underway and to demonstrate the type of benefits that could accrue from a commercial investment fund.