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Tupu Tonu | Publications

Statement of Intent

Long-term strategic objectives of Tupu Tonu

Statement of Performance Expectations

Annual performance objectives


Reporting the activities for the year

Tupu Tonu Brochure

Overview of Tupu Tonu business


Communications to hapū and stakeholders

Statements of Intent

Final Statement of Intent for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2026

Statements of Performance Expectations

For the period 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025
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Download past Statements of Performance Expectations
1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024
1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
1 February 2021 to 30 June 2022

Annual Report 2022/2023

Download Annual Report 2022/2023 as PDF
Download PDF of past Annual Reports
Annual Report 2021/2022
Annual Report 2020/2021

Tupu Tonu Brochure

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Latest Pānui (Posts)

Tupu Tonu | Tianga-Ō-Rongo-Tapu-Hingahinga(Noema/November) | Pānui

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NAU MAI HAERE MAI Welcome to the sixth pānui from Tupu Tonu - Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited E rere nei ngā mihi o te wā ki a koutou katoa, In…

Tupu Tonu | Mahuru – 2023 | Pānui

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NAU MAI HAERE MAI Welcome to the fifth pānui from Tupu Tonu - Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited Tēnā koutou katoa, In our latest pānui, we update you on recent Tupu…

‘Prosperity in Perpetuity’ Pīpiri – 2023 | Puanga Matariki 2023

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NAU MAI HAERE MAI Welcome to the fourth e-pānui from Tupu Tonu Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited Message from the CEO Tania Heyrick Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki  Mānawa maiea…

‘Prosperity in Perpetuity’ | Hui-Tanguru – 2023 | Waitangi Day 2023 e-pānui

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NAU MAI HAERE MAI Welcome to the third e-pānui from Tupu Tonu Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited Message from the CEO Tania Heyrick     E ngā pītau whakarei o ngā…
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