Accordingly, Tupu Tonu is looking for investment opportunities across the Ngāpuhi rohe primarily in the following sectors:
- Property
- Primary Industries
- Infrastructure and Energy
Accordingly, Tupu Tonu is looking for investment opportunities across the Ngāpuhi rohe primarily in the following sectors:
Tupu Tonu is looking to acquire assets with a typical investment size of $2-$15 million. Each investment must meet the following initial investment screening criteria:
Tupu Tonu has a secondary aim of contributing to the regional economic growth of Te Tai Tokerau. This means when focusing on our commercial investment objectives, we also consider downstream socio-economic benefits for local hapū and communities.
The investment approach of Tupu Tonu excludes venture capital investments, grants, feasibility studies, research, and development or any investment that is in breach of our responsible investing approach.
Tupu Tonu is not permitted to invest outside of New Zealand.