Te Kaupapa – purpose
Tupu Tonu is a Crown-owned company set up to acquire and grow the value of a portfolio of high-performing commercial assets that can be offered to ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi in future Treaty negotiations. Part of the mission of Tupu Tonu is to disburse a portion of the annual net cash investment returns to Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau. Tupu Tonu has named its disbursements ‘tukua’, which means to give with integrity.
Tupu Tonu completed the first Tukuta round in 2022/23, which resulted in $485,000 being disbursed to 51 hapū, whānau and rōpū. For a breakdown of funding results, see here.
The second Tukua round is now closed for applications.
The second round was open for applications from 28 November 2023 to 23 February 2024. For the second round of Tukua funding, Tupu Tonu has upwards of $600,000 available. Tupu Tonu aims to make funding decisions by the end of March 2024. If you have any pātai about your application or future funding rounds, please contact tukua@tuputonu.co.nz