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Welcome to the latest pānui from Tupu Tonu – Ngāpuhi Investment Fund Limited

Tukua Round 2

 E rere nei ngā mihi o te wā ki a koutou katoa,

In our latest pānui, we provide an update on the second round of Tukua disbursements. We also let you know about our current review of Tukua and how you can provide your feedback on Tukua to us.

Ngā manaakitanga,

Tupu Tonu 

“Tukua, hei painga mō ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi –  

Giving with integrity, for the benefit of ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi” 

Tukua Round 2 Overview

We have recently completed our second round of Tukua funding. Every year Tupu Tonu makes a portion of its profits available for grants to Ngāpuhi hapū, whānau and rōpū .

In this latest round we have provided 99 grants to recipients throughout the rohe. These grants are being used to support a range of kaupapa, including marae development, hapū governance capability-building, māra kai, kura reo and hauora initiatives. For more information, including a summary of Tukua funding outcomes, please see our website.

Tukua Review

Now that we have completed two rounds of disbursements, we are doing a review of Tukua. We are interested in your feedback on this. In particular, we’d like to hear about: 

  • What activities should Tukua fund? If Tukua were to focus its funding towards governance capability-building, how would you see this?
  • Which groups should be eligible for Tukua funding? Should the criteria be focused only on hapū and/or groups seeking a mandate in the Treaty negotiations process?

Please provide any feedback you have on this, by emailing by Friday 16th August.

Staying in touch

We look forward to continuing to provide you with further updates in coming months.

If you have pātai or would like to kōrero, you can get in contact with us directly at