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Welcome to the first e-pānui from Tupu Tonu | Ngāpuhi Investment Funds Limited


Message from the CEO Tania Heyrick


Ngā mihi o te wā Matariki ki a koutou katoa

Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Taumarere te awa
Ko Tekau i Mua, ko Te Māhurehure me Ngāti Ueoneone ngā hapū
Ko Ngāti Hine me Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu ngā iwi
Ko Tania Heyrick tōku ingoa



In recent weeks my tamariki have been learning about Matariki at kura. I asked my 7-year-old, Kawiti, what he had learnt. He told me Matariki was about using the stars as guides – to remember where we came from, to celebrate the now and to guide where we are going.

So, in the spirit of Puanga Matariki, in this first e-pānui I would like to reflect on why Tupu Tonu came to be, discuss some of our achievements to date and share with you our focus going forward.

Also look out for our next pānui in Whiringa-ā-rangi (October) around the time we commemorate He Whakaputanga o Te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tirene, to stay informed of Tupu Tonu business including our latest investments, to get to know our board members, and, for updates and insights in the investment realm.


Remembering the past

As the Kaihautū of Tupu Tonu I’m acutely aware of the obligation to serve well. I know I am in this role only because of the hard work and sacrifice of those who came before me. I mihi to those past, and in turn, those present, and acknowledge their contributions to Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu.

Last week I was fortunate to attend the inaugural National Māori in Governance summit hosted by Te Pūtea Whakatipu Trust and featuring an array of incredible kaikōrero, including Justice Joe Williams. His honour gave a rousing speech reminding those of us in positions of leadership across Te Ao Māori to never forget that our role is to contribute to the elevation of our people. His honour also spoke about the need for economic self-sufficiency.

The concept of building economic self-sufficiency is reflected in the purpose of Tupu Tonu; to build a portfolio of commercial assets that can be offered to ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi in Treaty negotiations.

My hope is that creating a high-performing commercial portfolio will ultimately support iwi and hapū economic independence. Having a solid economic platform can enable Ngāpuhi affiliated iwi, hapū and whānau to not only make decisions about their respective commercial, cultural and social aspirations, but importantly, will provide the independent means to deliver upon those objectives.

I’m excited about what Tupu Tonu has achieved to date. Tupu Tonu has already made high-quality investments in horticulture and commercial property, totalling approximately $19 million. Further detail on these investments can be found here.


Celebrating the present

The existence of Tupu Tonu represents a huge opportunity for Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu and recognises the unique challenges and opportunities in front of Ngāpuhi affiliated iwi, hapū and whānau.

Tupu Tonu has a whenua-based investment strategy which recognises the importance of acquiring whenua-based assets which can be offered back to ngā hapū. We’re focusing on sectors which utilise land in different ways: Property; Primary Sector; Infrastructure and Energy. 

Tupu Tonu will invest in Taitokerau, to support wider regional economic growth, and acquire assets which are spread across the Ngāpuhi rohe. Tupu Tonu is committed to acting as a socially responsible investor. We are interested in investments which have cultural, environmental, and social benefits where they also make good commercial sense.


Looking to the future

Our investment focus for the next few months is to progress opportunities in housing and carbon. We also continue to explore opportunities to invest in infrastructure and renewable energy.

Tupu Tonu will make a percentage of its profit every year available to support capacity and social development for Ngāpuhi affiliated iwi, hapū and whānau. We plan to make our first round of disbursements to Ngāpuhi uri from late this year and we expect the amount to grow as the portfolio grows. We are still working through the detail, and welcome ideas around what disbursements could be used for.

It is important that our investment approach is informed by the commercial aspirations of Ngāpuhi affiliated iwi and hapū. We’re keen to engage in a way which will help us to build relationships and better understand hapū commercial aspirations, so this can inform our investment approach going forward.

If you want to know more about Tupu Tonu, please feel free to contact us. We are more than happy to have a kōrero and to discuss potential investment opportunities.

Nō reira, ngā mihi anō ki a koutou katoa i raro i te whakaaro – mānawatia a Puanga Matariki!