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Welcome to the tukua e-pānui from Tupu Tonu Ngāpuhi Investment Funds Limited

Message from the CEO Tania Heyrick




Tukua, hei painga mō ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi
Giving with integrity, for the benefit of ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi





Announcing the opening of Tukua – Tupu Tonu disbursements

Tēnā koutou katoa,

The lead up to Christmas is always a busy time and I’m sure you will all be looking forward to a break and spending some time together with your whānau!

We’re proud of the results we’ve achieved to date, and this means we’re now in a position to act on our commitment to pay out a portion of our investment returns to Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau.

Tupu Tonu is excited to announce the opening of the first round of disbursements to Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau, which we’ve called ‘Tukua’. Tukua, in this context, means giving with integrity.

For this first round, we have up to $425,000 to disburse. These funds are made up of 20 percent of the returns we’ve made on investments this year.

In designing Tukua one of our key aims has been to ensure our disbursements are made available to support the needs and aspirations of Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau. Through the engagement we’ve had with hapū over the past few months, we’ve heard about the immediate needs facing whānau across the rohe, and about the assistance needed to maintain the cultural strength of the iwi.

However, we are conscious that we have much more engagement to do with hapū. The engagement we’ve had to date only represents the beginning of our relationships. So the first round of Tukua has been set up to be simple and flexible in its design and broad in its reach.

We would like to see Tukua evolve over the years to ensure it is reflecting the needs and aspirations of hapū and whānau closely, as we continue to hear your feedback around how the pūtea should be used going forward.

In the meantime, Tupu Tonu is keen to make the first round of disbursements available as soon as possible.


How to apply

We are looking for applications for any activity, objective or purpose that supports:

  • capacity and capability building; or
  • social or cultural development.

For example, in the category of capacity and capability building, your marae may need some administrative assistance. Or, under social and cultural development, your kapa haka group may need help to fund some development activities.

We’re looking for applications from any hapū, whānau or organisation that affiliates to Ngāpuhi. All you’ll need to do is to describe your affiliation in the application form.

We’re looking for applications for activities up to $20,000 to ensure that the pūtea is spread around as far as possible. 

We welcome any applications that fit this criteria whānau – so please apply.  

If you’d like more details, including the criteria and application form, please go to

View Criteria and Apply Here


Looking ahead

We’re looking to keep the round open for applications until early March 2023 and intend to make funding decisions then. But if you have an activity or event that needs funding before then we may still consider it. We’re keen to get the pūtea out as soon as possible to those who need it.

Over the coming months, we would like to hear from hapū about Tukua, so we can incorporate that feedback into future disbursements rounds.


Meri Kirihimete ki a koutou katoa

Finally, I’d like to wish everyone a safe rest of the year and a restful break of the Christmas period.  Tupu Tonu looks forward to continuing to work together with you in 2023 to build a prosperous future for nga hapū o Ngāpuhi.

Ngā manaakitanga, nā,

Tania Heyrick