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Tukua | Tupu Tonu Disbursements

2nd Round | Now live 28 November 2023 to 23 February 2024

Te Kaupapa – purpose


Tupu Tonu is a Crown-owned company set up to acquire and grow the value of a portfolio of high-performing commercial assets that can be offered to ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi in future Treaty negotiations. Part of the mission of Tupu Tonu is to disburse a portion of the annual net cash investment returns to Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau. Tupu Tonu has named its disbursements ‘tukua’, which means to give with integrity.

Tupu Tonu completed the first round in 2022/23, which resulted in $485,000 being disbursed to 51 hapū, whānau and rōpū. For a breakdown of funding results, see here.

Tupu Tonu is now pleased to open the second round of funding. The round is open for applications from 28 November 2023 to 23 February 2024. (Tupu Tonu will consider requests for funding to be made available before the end of the round. All time sensitive applications will need to be received by 12 January 2024 to be eligible for consideration.)

For the second round of Tukua funding, Tupu Tonu has upwards of $600,000 available.

Details on the application criteria are set out below.

Apply Now

Te Take – What can we seek funding for?

Ko wai - Who can apply?

Tupu Tonu will consider applications from any Ngāpuhi hapū, marae or rōpū (organisation) that has a clear and close affiliation to Ngāpuhi.

Mō te aha - What we can apply for?

Tupu Tonu will consider applications for grants to support activities, objectives, initiatives or any kaupapa for the purpose of Ngāpuhi hapū, whānau or community:

  1. capacity and capability building; or
  2. social or cultural development.

Te Pūtea - How much?

Tupu Tonu is open to receiving applications for funding up to $10,000 (NZD).

Tupu Tonu has total funding available upwards of $600,000. For all time sensitive applications that require funding prior to March (applications due 12 January), Tupu Tonu will only make grant decisions for up to a total of $150,000. The remaining amount will be left for the remaining applications in March.

Whether GST on disbursements is payable or not will depend on the GST status of the recipient. Typically, individuals that are not GST registered would not incur any GST consequences. In paying out disbursements to successful applicants, Tupu Tonu will make payments on a GST inclusive basis. Successful applicants will need to consider any GST implications that may apply to them and factor that into their application.

Ngā hua - Outcomes

Applicants should demonstrate how the activity, objective, initiative or kaupapa:

  • will support hapū, whānau or community capacity or capability building, or social and cultural development; and
  • will provide benefits to hapū, whānau or the community.

Tupu Tonu anticipates that the types of activities groups may seek funding for include, but are not limited to:

  • Capacity and capability building: hapū governance support; marae administration/co-ordination; training programmes.
  • Social and cultural development: marae repairs and maintenance; taonga preservation; housing feasibility studies; rongoa Māori; Kura Reo; publishing hapū histories.

Ngā Kaupapa Matua - Priorities

Tupu Tonu will give priority and have discretion in allocation of funding to applications that:

  • can demonstrate they are well supported by the hapū/whānau/community;
  • will provide an impact on the hapū/whānau/community;
  • have not already received other funding for the same purpose;
  • allow for a reasonable spread of funding across hapū and regions; and
  • are from hapū that did not receive funding in the first round.

Tupu Tonu will not provide funding to applicants where proposed funding will only benefit one individual and other exclusions set out in the terms and conditions.

Each application will be assessed against the criteria and on the strength of the application. Decisions on applications will be made by the Tupu Tonu Board.

Whakatūturutanga - Supporting documentation

Applicants will need to provide the following information as part of their application:

  • any relevant information about their hapū, marae or rōpū, including any whakapapa that is needed to help explain the connection or affiliation to Ngāpuhi;
  • a letter of support for the application, for example from a kaumatua or marae chair; and
  • bank verification information that matches the name of the hapū, marae or rōpū where any approved funds can be transferred to.

Pūrongorongo - Reporting

Successful applicants will be required to report back to Tupu Tonu on their use of the funds. Tupu Tonu may request a financial summary of the funds spent, and other supporting information showing how applicants have used the funding for the intended purpose. In some cases, Tupu Tonu may request photos or videos of the funded activity/project to use on its website and annual report in order to share the outcome of Tukua – Tupu Tonu Disbursements. By submitting an application, you give Tupu Tonu permission to share and publish this information.

Ngā Pātai | FAQs

What is Tukua - Tupu Tonu disbursements?

Tukua is the name for the Tupu Tonu disbursements programme and means ‘to give with integrity’. Every year, Tupu Tonu sets aside a portion of its annual investment returns to provide to Ngāpuhi hapū, whānau and rōpū (organisations). Tupu Tonu has completed the first Tukua round and the second round is now open.

Why is Tupu Tonu making disbursements?

When Tupu Tonu was established, the government stipulated that a portion of annual investment returns (up to 20 percent) ought to be made available to Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau immediately. This was to provide immediate to support to hapū and whānau while negotiations were in train and to demonstrate the type of benefits that could accrue from a commercial investment fund. Accordingly, the focus of Tukua is on supporting Ngāpuhi hapū and whānau in capacity and capability building as well as social and cultural development.

What is the second Tukua round and how long will it be open for?

The second round comprises funds available for disbursement from the 2022/23 financial year. The round opened on Tuesday 28 November 2023 and will close to applications on 23 February 2024. Applications will then be assessed, and decisions made by the end of March.

Submissions for time sensitive applications will close on 12 January 2024, with payment to be made by the end of January 2024.

How can the second Tukua round be accessed?

To access the second Tukua round, an application must be provided to Tupu Tonu describing the activity or initiative the disbursements used for and the outcomes that are hoped to be achieved. Applicants can apply by filling out an application form on this page.

What types of activities can hapū and whānau apply to the second Tukua round for?

Tupu Tonu will consider applications for grants for any kaupapa, activity, objective or initiative that supports

  • capacity and capability building; or
  • social or cultural development.

Types of activities that groups may seek funding for include, but are not limited to:

  • Capacity and capability building: hapū governance support; marae administration/co-ordination; training programmes.
  • Social and cultural development: marae repairs and maintenance; taonga preservation; housing feasibility studies; rongoa Māori; Kura Reo; researching and publishing hapū histories.

How much disbursements funding is available through the second Tukua round?

For the second Tukua round, Tupu Tonu has upwards of $600,000 available in total. Tupu Tonu is seeking applications for grants up to $10,000.

Who can apply to the second Tukua round?

Tupu Tonu will consider applications from any Ngāpuhi hapū, marae or rōpū (organisation) that identifies or affiliates to Ngāpuhi.

What will hapū, marae and rōpū need to do to demonstrate they are Ngāpuhi?

Applicants will need to provide information about their hapū or whānau, or an explanation about how the organisation they are seeking disbursements on behalf of affiliates to Ngāpuhi, including any relevant whakapapa information. This information will then be considered by the panel that is convened to advise the Tupu Tonu Board on the applications. This panel will include selected Ngāpuhi kaumatua and hapū leaders.

What applications will receive priority?

Tupu Tonu will give priority to applications that:

  • can demonstrate they are Ngāpuhi hapū/whānau/community-led;
  • can demonstrate they are well supported by Ngāpuhi hapū/whānau/community;
  • will meet a Ngāpuhi hapū/whānau/community need;
  • have not already received other funding for the same purpose;
  • allow for a reasonable spread of funding across hapū and rohe; and
  • are from hapū that did not receive funding in the first round

Is there anything hapū and whānau can't apply to Tukua for?

Tupu Tonu will not provide disbursements to applicants where the disbursements will only benefit one individual and other exclusions set out in the terms and conditions on the Tupu Tonu website.

How will decisions be made?

Applications will first be considered by a panel including panelists, including selected Ngāpuhi kaumatua and hapū leaders. Each application will be assessed against the application criteria. Decisions on applications will be made by the Tupu Tonu Board.

Are disbursements inclusive or exclusive of GST?

Whether GST on disbursements is payable or not will depend on the GST status of the recipient. Typically, individuals that are not GST registered would not incur any GST consequences. In paying out disbursements to successful applicants, Tupu Tonu will make payments on a GST inclusive basis. Successful applicants will need to consider any GST implications that may apply to them and factor that into their application.

Is there any limit to the number of Tukua applications my hapū, marae or rōpū might make?

There is no limit to the number of applications your hapū, whānau or organisation can make. However, where the total amount requested by successful applicants is above the total amount available for this round, Tupu Tonu will look to prioritise those applications that allow for a reasonable spread of funding across hapū and regions. In this situation, it is likely that Tupu Tonu would only look to fund one application.

Will Tupu Tonu disbursements have any impact on our hapū wai claims? Will this be on account of our settlement?

Tupu Tonu disbursements are not associated with, nor will it impact on, any hapū Treaty of Waitangi (‘Wai’) claims. Disbursements are not “on account” of any future Treaty redress agreement between ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi and the Crown. While Tupu Tonu was set up for the purpose of acquiring assets for the Crown to offer in redress discussions with ngā hapū o Ngāpuhi, and growing the overall value of the fund, there is no direct relationship between Tupu Tonu disbursements (Tukua) and those redress discussions. Rather, the purpose of the disbursements is to support Ngāpuhi social and cultural development, and capacity and capability building now.

1 Step 1

Application Form

You will need the following documentation to support your application:

Please select one or more of the categories below which best aligns with your application. (You must choose at leat one)
Have you received or applied for funding for the same purpose from another organisation?
Are you GST Registered?
Please select one of the options below showing proof of your bank account (nb, account holder should match applicant name)
Attach a copy of one of the evidence items selected
Please provide a letter of support (e.g. from a Kaumātua or Marae Chair)
DeclarationI have read the Privacy Statement (click here to view) and I accept it on behalf of the grant recipient. I confirm that I have the authority to make this request and to accept the terms and conditions on behalf of the grant applicant and declare that:
· I understand and accept the Terms and Conditions (click here to view)
· All the information provided for this request is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
· I have notified Tupu Tonu of any conflicts of interest of which I am aware.
· The applicant is fully compliant with all applicable legislation, including the requirements under the Children's Act 2014 (if applicable).
· I have been duly authorised by the applicant’s governing body (if there is one) to commit the applicant to this agreement.
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